Oh, how I wish we could know more about her!
I think she meant well. I think she was probably a people-pleaser…. Wanting to please both Adam and God.
She wanted to do what was right, but also didn’t want to offend. She trusted the snake…because she didn’t know NOT to trust. She knew God had told her not to eat the sweet fruit that the snake offered, but she didn’t know what it was to be deceived. On her own, I think she would have obeyed. BUT the deception came like a swift wind, taking her innocence AND ours away in a moment.
It broke God’s heart, even though He would have expected the outcome. He knew what Eve would do. (Just like you and me). And He loved her still. (Just like you and me). He was there waiting, whispering, “where are you?” when she strayed.
Just like you and me.
Well, maybe we know a little more about Eve’s story than I thought!