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Ever Thankful


Our long Thanksgiving break started on Wednesday with our annual trip to our local “Choose and Cut Fraser Firs.”  I’ve enjoyed this exact view for so many years- Eric leading the way through the forest and the little ducklings following close behind. We were lucky to have our first dusting of snow right before we headed out.  It’s just not the same without the white stuff, is it?



After about 25 tries, these are my two fave family selfies. Watching Cohen’s facial expressions on the screen absolutely cracked me up. I couldn’t help but squeeze those cheeks! Here’s my other favorite pic of him and his sweet cheeks:


Instead of traveling to Wisconsin this year to spend Thanksgiving with Eric’s family, we stayed home, mostly so I could continue to work toward getting ready for my upcoming studio open house. Thursday, I cooked the whole traditional turkey dinner for our family of four, complete with a homemade pie, made with Ella’s help. We had the best day, cozy in our sweats, eating, playing games and watching faves like “The Elf” and “Home Alone.” Cohen never did change out of his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle PJ pants (nor did he bother to put a shirt on, even for dinner). We missed visiting with family and enjoying Wisconsin traditions like dumplings and warm fruit, winter hikes through the woods and driving through a Christmas light show set to music.  But, we definitely did not miss the drive and it was great to get a head-start on decorating for Christmas.


Friday morning I was ready to get to work and even with all of the family time, the kids still couldn’t quite tear themselves from my side 🙂 So, I stepped over them each time I finished glueing a piece down so I could put it next to the fireplace to dry…they were content, therfore I was, too.  By Saturday, I was really feeling productive. I had been looking forward to creating these Lil’ Art blocks. Oh, so fun!!


I swear I woke with a smile today, thinking about getting the kids off to school so I could finish these blocks! I’m going to warm up some cocoa and get to it! I hope you have an inspired day, as well! 

A Little Quality Time…

I was thrilled to have this sweetie pie join me in my studio this weekend! While the boys were at hockey, Ella and I took advantage of some mama/ daughter time. We couldn’t help but feel the spirit of Christmas around us: holiday music playing, an evergreen candle glowing and, of course, a cup of hot cocoa! I must admit, with my holiday studio open house coming up, I’m not the best company. I’m in full crazy-artist-brain mode and that means I’m hyper focused AND all over the place at the same time. Just when I think there isn’t room for one more thought in my head…there’s “Oh, yeah…don’t forget…” I have scribbled notes, piles all over the place and pieces of art in various stages everywhere. Even so, Ella was content to just be at my desk and I was happy to have her. After a full day of work in the studio Saturday, I’m really seeing things come together. I’ll share pictures soon!

Studio Open House

In just a few short weeks, my home studio will be transformed into a sweet little Christmas Shoppe! I just love opening my home to my friends and customers. I’ll have shortbread, tea and a whole lot of cheer! Available for purchase, I will have all of my current fine art prints and prints on wood available. I will also have prints ready to hang in one-of-a-kind frames that I’ve painted and distressed to coordinate perfectly with the print. A third option: I’ve adhered select 8×10 prints to wood- available only at this Studio Open House. Of course, I’ll have my version of the Nativity, “A King Is Born” available in both print and semi-original version. And to coordinate with “A King Is Born,” I’ll have two smaller pieces…I’ll share those with you soon! Let’s talk originals: I’ll have what I call “lil’ art blocks” with birds, poinsettia’s and Christmas trees. I’ll share sneak peeks of these as I work on them. 

Mark your calendars- I’ll have two days for this Open House: Friday, December 9, 2016: 10a-4p and Saturday, December 10, 2016: 10a-2pm. 

Creating Christmas

Wood is cut, paint colors picked and now it’s time to prep: scrub the wood, gesso and paint the paper. I really do enjoy each step…but I’m feeling pretty eager to start creating!                                                            

Hello World!

Welcome to my brand-new website! This site is truly a dream come true. Its a place to showcase my art, to celebrate my beliefs and to share the little things in life that bring me so much joy.  I believe my passion to create art is a gift from God and what good is a gift if it’s not shared?

Speaking of gifts, I have a few up my sleeve over the next few weeks: new art releases, a holiday Studio Open House and, oh yeah, a few give-aways! So, grab a cup of tea and have a look around. I’m so excited to get to know you. I’ll be in touch very soon!