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Designing: Word of the Year Art Block 2018

As I was designing Art Blocks for 2018’s Word of the Year, my first thought was to go with a lot of choices. Different sizes, colors, designs for each person to choose from that would coordinate with their word choice. When I made the blue block with the white laurel wreath and a touch of gold glitter, I was pretty sure it would be the most popular design. After asking friends and family for their block choice and word, 4 out of 5 of them picked the laurel wreath. Decision made! 2018’s word of the year Art Block will officially be a Laurel Wreath. 

My goal for my art business is to create through faith and word of the year is no exception. So, what does the laurel wreath represent in the bible? I did some research: The laurel is not mentioned specifically in the bible, but an allusion is made to it several times in the form of “Crown of Life,” “Crown of Glory,” “Crown of Righteousness,” as well as simply-stated “crown.”  The laurel leaf is said to symbolize the resurrection of Christ as well as peace and is thought to protect from evil influences.

“Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been proved, he will receive the Crown of Life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” James 1:12

Here are a few other examples of the laurel that I’ve used in my art recently: “Many, Lord my God” Fine Art Print, and a few dove Art Blocks that I designed in the Spring.


Mother Mary, did you know?

Last week, I was hustling around my studio, when a Christmas song by Amy Grant called “Breath of Heaven” came on. It’s the most beautiful song, looking at Mary’s perspective and what she must have been going through. My mama’s heart felt so much for her in that moment. I can’t imagine what Mary must have been thinking. What did she think after Gabriel visited her and told her that she was with child? How did she even comprehend that an angel literally just appeared before her eyes? What did she do next?

Pictures started forming in my mind. I stopped what I was doing, cleared a spot on my studio floor and sat down and sketched. I felt so connected to her, I even put a hand-written note on the page that said “Mary, did you know you were carrying the Saviour of the world?” I knew it would be painted over, but my message would still be there forever. 


I quickly sketched everything that was in my head and re-directed myself back to what I was working on. (I have to re-direct myself often ;))


This past weekend, after church, I felt even more inspired and uplifted. I could hardly wait to get my paints out. It all came together quickly and I worked on both Gabriel and Mary at the same time.  I just love the sound* of “Greetings, favored woman.” (I feel like I can hear it; a deep, yet heavenly-sweet voice.) It makes me smile.


The next words that Gabriel spoke would change the world forever: “The Lord is with you…you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and He shall be named Jesus”  Luke 1:28, 31).

December Daily {2015 & 2016}

DD 2015 was pretty much just a hope and a dream! I started it, digging into my beloved stash of October Afternoon products, but never finished it. If I collected anything for it, I have no idea where it is. So sad. But, I’m hopeful that I at least took a picture a day and I’ll {Someday} print the pictures and finish the album. DD 2016 was barely a passing thought.  I was really busy getting ready for my Studio Open House and once that was done, it was the second week of December and I hadn’t even started shopping. And that’s okay, there will be years like that. This year, I wanted to make sure I was organized going in to December so I’d be able slow down and really enjoy the season. 

So, now that it’s December 1st, I’m feeling like I’ll be able to do just that: Enjoy Every Moment. 

Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done for us, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.

Psalm 40:5

December Daily {2014}

DD 2014 is simple and sweet: consisting of 8″x10″ kraft and white cardstock, some patterned paper and very light on the embellishments. Quite a contrast from DD 2012! The clean, simple design made this album come together quickly. That is one important scrapbooking lesson I’ve learned through the years: I have to be willing to adapt my style in order to fit it in with life’s other expectations and to-do lists. The most important thing is the memories, not how many or how trendy the products are and it should be fun and not feel like it’s “work.” 

Cohen was in his last year of preschool, so we had a lot of time together while Ella was at school. This album really captures how we spent our days together. I adore this picture of him looking outside at the accumulating snow! I thought it was sweet then, but now it’s just plain precious!

We spent a lot of time playing games, and Cohen’s favorite is “Memory,” the matching card game. He has always kicked my butt in memory! The right-hand page has the envelope from the mint M&M’s that my friend, Leah, has sent me every year since she moved away, 8 years ago! How cool is that?! Getting that package in the mail always makes me feel so special.

I think this is my favorite Christmas card photo; I always meant to have that picture enlarged and framed. {Someday}

I love these two pages so so so much. XOXO to those two cuties of mine- you can just see the joy of getting ice-cream on their faces. Next post will be a quick one for DD 2015 and 2016 and then finally onto this year’s album! Can’t wait!



December Daily Album {2013}

DD 2013 is a lot less embellished than 2012, but the memories are all still there. I just love rediscovering these moments from the past: packaging from a gift, little notes from grandparents, a trip to the salon, and a chubby little hand-print snowman. Some of these things may have been tossed or stored away in a bin somewhere, long forgotten. Every year, as I look through each of these albums, I am SO GRATEUL that I took the time to collect the tid-bits, take the pictures (and actually print them).

Next up is DD 2014, then my failed attempt in 2015 {and my compete fail in 2016}, all working up to this year’s December Daily 2017. I’ve set up a work are dedicated to the album and its such a happy place to be already!