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Devoted HE{arts}

Gather and Create through Faith.

I first wrote those words in 2018. We were planning to purchase a property with an old metal barn on it. It was a dark, smelly, rodent-infested barn, but the picture in my mind was anything but those things. I pictured women around a long table, connecting and creating. I pictured a safe, cathartic space with a warm, inviting feel. A place where women could let their guard down. A place to hope, to encourage, to pray. A place to create. A place where God’s word would be studied and discussed. Hearts would be shared and insecurities left at the door. This would be a place where tense shoulders would relax and deep, cleansing breaths would become second nature.





This VISION: it would be my ministry.

I have dreamed of, longed for, prayer over this beautiful vision of mine for 3 years. I have asked the Lord to bless this dream of mine, to place the right people in my life. And now, finally, the Lord is placing it on my heart that the time is now. I know He is sending some instrumental people into my life, and at the same time I feel Him urging me to go out and gather this group of women I’ve been praying for.

The only thing that has changed is the “where.” The barn wasn’t a part of His plan…but it was definitely a part of the vision. I still picture women around a long table, connecting and creating, but now it’s inside my home art studio. The vision is blooming!

I picture sitting amongst you: leading, guiding and creating alongside you. I do the planning, provide the supplies, set the tone, and you- you just show up with your beautiful self, just as you are.

Hands will be busy.

Hearts will be free.

Souls will be nurtured.

Connections will be made.

Here’s the WHY:

When we tend to our souls through connection, faith and creativity, we are filling ourselves with His Radiant Light that we will in turn share with our friends, family and community. Pouring into ourselves this way only multiplies the ways we can pour into those around us.

Creating with our Creator and connecting with our community through Devoted HE{arts}.

This IS my ministry.

{Dates, pricing, details to come}